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    Top 10 Features Men Look For In Woman for a Long Term Relation

    While its a common notion that men just fall for any woman, SORRY they won't. Men too have preferences and priorities. Just b@@bs or a$$ is not they are looking for. If you think you can get him with just looks, my dear he will only get you for a night.

    There are certain aspects in a woman which every man would love to have apart from the good looks. Good looks will only be a bonus to him. While good looks can initially attract him to you, to hold him on to you for longer periods of time you need to have the following traits or qualities.

    1. Express your love.

    Its a known fact that women have greater depths of emotion. Their love is unparalleled. But the problem is many do not express it. They expect men to feel their love without expressing themselves. Being a man I shouldn't say this but, men are dumb asses in this matter. They are poor in reception of anything which is not expressed in a direct way. So please speak about what you think inside your mind. Express your love. You can also express your love giving him greeting card, or a WhatsApp message that you are thinking about him or a voice message that you are missing him or give him a surprise by picking him up after his office and buy him his favorite ice cream. These are all small things but will surely increase his love for you.

    2. Be his best friend

    Men face different kinds of music outside homes. Some make them hurt while some make them violent. Be his best friend in these moments and bring him out of the bad mood. They only need to be cheered a little. After they are out of the bad mood, you will be his goddess. Trust me it works.

    3. Trust

    Trust doesn't mean that you are not cheating on him. Trust can also be a small work which asks you to do and he need not worry about it again. Trust can be taking care of old parents. Trust can be your managerial skills in the family. Of course don't cheat on him. That would be the worst thing to do.

    4. Respect

    Not all men in the world go on to become The President of USA. Some stay butchers while some go on to become Mark Zuckerbergs. Respect him for what he is. You know, when a man feels that he is the most respected person by you, he will die for you. Literally. He will do whatever you ask him to do. He may even become The President of USA. But its all in your hands, to make him what you want him to be.

    5. Priority

    No man in the world would like to be the second person in the list of his girl. Whatever the reason may be. If he thinks he is seconded out, that is not good thing for you.  If he is calling you while you are on another call, It's better to put the person on hold and talk to your guy, unless you are talking to the President or prime minister of any country. It's a small thing but it will strengthen your relationship. If next time if you did not take his call, he won't mind, rather he will think that's really important for both of you otherwise you'd have taken his call. Of course this is just an example.

    6. Accept his financial status

    Like I said above, if you cannot tolerate his financial status its not good for your relation. First let's just accept for what he is. In love, it's give first and take later. Love him for what he is, and he will do anything in return for your love. You tell him to become Bill Gates, he will definitely try to. Slowly the financial status will improve and so will the strength of your relation.

    7. Be Romantic

    Sex has the greatest strength to hold your relation. The more you make love the more you'd be loved. It's that simple. You too take the initiative some times. Kiss him madly. You know, just do the stuff and he will become your puppy dog. Remember, don't thrash him when he tries to kiss you when you are not in mood. Instead gently tell him that you don't want to be kissed at the moment. He will understand.

    8. Care

    You need not care him like his mother. But be there for him when he really needs you. There may come times when he is at his low. That's when he needs your care. Cheer him up, hold his hands, pat his back. He will like it.  He will regain his strength from you.

    9. Physique

    Yes looks do really play an important role. In fact there is no woman who is not beautiful. You know him better. Try to be the way he likes you to be. Some men like skinny woman and some like chubby ,while some gives importance to the numbers. So are more attracted to your eyes, hair etc etc. Give him what he wants. The happier he is the longer the relation will be.

    10. Smile

    Nothing can match the power of soothing smile on your face. Always be cheerful. Smile at him. When there is no smile he will understand that something is wrong and will try to set the things right for you. A man will go to any extent to keep the smile on the face of his girl.

    There you are girls, that's what we think men look in a woman for a long term relation. Boys, share your views by commenting below so that I can make this a better article.

    If you feel this is absolute shit, do tell us why by commenting that too. Happy long relations to all.

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