Born to be Lazy

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    Harris and Ginny - Short Horror Story

    Harris and Ginny were lovers and they were having sex. Ginny was on top of Harris and was shouting words out of breath. Harris was enjoying it but he wanted to hear what she was saying. He tried to hear her and she was saying "Gih nny ahi ahm gho nna khi ll yo uu bhi tch". "Hey Ginny whats that you're saying " said Harris. You heard me right Harris.

    With a tremor of fear Harris woke up and sat bolt upright. He was glad that was just a dream. He never told this to Ginny. Later, after some days he went to Ginny's home to have dinner with her family and saw neatly photo-shopped photo of Ginny. Harris said to Ginny's mother "That's a great photo Miss Molly, I almost thought Ginny had a twin sister by seeing two Ginnys in that pic" Molly replied rather sadly " Indeed Harris Ginny had twin sister who died when she was just 2yrs old"

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