Born to be Lazy

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    What actually happens to people when they are drunk and Why do they behave like stupids?

    Alcohol, many of us think that it is ecstasy. True it is. But it is also harming you. For now let us know why exactly people behave like shit.

    Let us see what actually occurs when we drink alcohol and how we are affected. We know how it feels and for the most part we find it enjoyable. But knowing what actually is happening inside our body will keep us warned about the after effects.

    1. First of all we drink the alcohol. This goes into our stomachs and absorbed by the intestine. It then passes into the blood where it will be carried around and circulated throughout the body. It gets absorbed into bloodstream. Drink on empty stomach and you will get drunk faster.

    2. Our body will then try to eliminate the alcohol via urination and through our breath. This is the reason for getting caught in breath analyzers. There will be alcohol in our breath.

    3. Alcohol slowly reaches our brain and then we start feeling the effects. It takes on the brain in a specific order. We know for the fact that different parts of brain are responsible for carrying different activities of our body. The first part to get effected is Cerebral Cortex, which controls our behavior. Cerebral cortex gets slowed and people will suddenly start shouting, they sing songs, laugh like idiots for no reason and so on. You see this is the reason for stupid behavior.

    4. Next part to get effected by alcohol is the hippocampus. This is responsible for both emotion and memory. People will have exaggerated emotions. They will laugh like hell for even small shitty joke. Gets angry for slightest of provocation.Will cry like a baby for no reason. Feels like he-man and superior to even president of USA.This part of brain is also responsible for laying down memories it means that we may have only fragmented memories, or no memory of things at all.

    5. The alcohol will then move to the cerebellum which is responsible for maintaining balance. As such you will start to sway and potentially fall over. Other movements and coordination will also be affected. You may have noticed that drunk men can find it difficult to button his shirt or close his fly.

    If you continue to drink beyond this point, you will find it difficult to breath and eventually die. So try to keep it within the limits.

    Enjoy reasonably.

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